
Allspice (Pimenta dioica)

With a flavor that resembles a combination of cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, Allspice berries have a long history in Caribbean folk healing. They are used for Money, luck and Healing... more

Buckeye (Aesculus sylvatica)


Buckeyes are a highly regarded magical charm to bring good luck and ward off aches and pains and spiders. more

1 buckeye:


Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

Fennel has been used in sachets and incense for most magical purposes. Hung in doorways or windows, fennel protects from evil and sorcery, and placed in keyholes, it protects against... more

Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)

Henbane is one of the traditional herbs of historic, medieval witchcraft. Sacred to Hecate, crowns of henbane were worn by the dead in Hades. It is said to bring storms when burned... more

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)

Nutmegs are carried as amulets to ward off illness, and are also included in many money drawing blends. An infusion of nutmeg will bring connectedness with others who drink it, and... more

Poppy Seed (Papavar somniferum)

Poppy seeds come from the narcotic opium poppy and are under the rule of the moon. Poppies are sacred to Demeter and are used during the Eleusinian mysteries. Poppy seeds are used... more